Saturday, November 7, 2015

The Origins of Life? Can science answer this question?

Can science answer this question? 

According to some, science by its definition cannot answer this question. 

Here are a few quotes from some scientists, (taken from the book, In Six Days - Why 50 Scientists Choose to Believe in Creation edited by John F. Ashton.):  

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

What is truth?

A simply dictionary definition, such as Webster’s New Dictionary of the English Language, states that truth is:  

► the real state of things; FACT

► the body of real events or facts; ACTUALITY

If truth is nothing more than in the eye of the beholder, then it is not the real state of things, nor is it the body of real events or facts. To regulate truth to the whims of the individual is to destroy the actual meaning of truth.  To ascribe another definition to the word truth defrauds the meaning, distorts the message and deceives the masses.